
Orthopaedic Best Practices at The 42nd Annual NAON Congress [2022]

Jun 30, 2022 | Updates | 0 comments

SMI Cold Therapy Booth at NAON 2022

In May, we traveled to NAON’s 42nd Annual Congress in Reno, Nevada, and joined in on many insightful conversations about orthopaedic best practices with new and old connections.


SMI Cold Therapy Proudly Supports The National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses


As a long-time supporter and friend of NAON (National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses), we’re proud to partner with such a wonderful organization of more than 4,000 RNs, LPNs, LVNs, student nurses, and associate members from across the country and around the world who share an interest in excellent musculoskeletal healthcare.

Our SMI Cold Therapy reps work almost daily with orthopedic nurses and their managers to ensure they have what they need to carry out excellent care to their patients on their floor. If that requires additional training on our SMI Cold Therapy Wraps, more freezers to accommodate the additional patient load, or even freezer replacement (because just like at home…they go out!). It’s a joy to partner with orthopedic nurses in our daily work because they are so passionate about what they do – and so are we!


SMI Cold Therapy Team at the 42nd Annual NAON Congress

Learn more about NAON

The National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses (NAON) is a nonprofit, volunteer-run organization that enhances the lives and careers of orthopaedic nurses. We applaud them for their dedication to research, to the highest nursing practices, and for encouraging effective communication between orthopaedic nurses. Learn more about NAON here!



42nd Annual NAON Congress FUN

Check out more of our favorite NAON Congress memories from Reno, Nevada in the gallery below.


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